Friday, November 09, 2007

Successful Surprises :D

Well well well guess whos bck....yaha...da feels so gud to b bck after 4 freggin months....well abt blore besides dat i m gettin an education of better value, everythin else sucks....da colg, toilets, pollution...blah blah....nudin can beat ma frds at mahe man....seriously...

Hmmm so since yst dat i hav cum bck....i wid saph 1st surprised aak ygoin to her house b4 she gets bck n we both hid in her cupboard....nah da cupboard is still strong n intact....:p so our dearest chikni cudnt believe dat we were back n her luk..hahha worth was so kewl...

Today me n saph went to surprise da rest....after seein n talkin to da profs. who most of dem btw are all pretty much da same felt really gud to see us back....den da grand entry in clas...1st to shubha mam wid a hug wile da class starts cheerin n howlin :D n den hugs to da whole class....omgggg it was like one of da best feelin ever.....our dearest mellu too bad i missed it! bt newas i spent da rest f da day till bout 12 30 p.m. meetin, huggin, surprisin and tellin ppl bout me n blore....

Den da red clan went to one of deir domains - House of Shisha....omg no wht shisha feels like after 4 long mnths....aaah heaven....talks n fotos....n den we went back to academic city to drop off mel....den 3 of us left....saph went home n i went to ma other house...(aak's house :p) as usual....laughed so hard after ages man over sumthin so random....kewlnes bcame....n den cuckud came home....

Great start of vaccations wid 2 great days totally filled wid omggg so much....yayiiiiii....cant wait to go crasieee wile i m here.....luv alll u ppl yaar..!! Muahahaha.....


1 comment:

Nioniel said...

i love you!!!
